Song that changed your life:
All American Rejects - Move Along (listen now) (lyrics)
The story behind it:
Me and my boy...
Me and my boyfriend [ex now] broke up after 1 year and a half and we had a bad break up. We haven't spoken in 8 months now. After the break up, music was the only thing that could keep me quiet and it became a shrink for me in a way. I listened to The All-American Rejects 24/7 because they have amazing break up lyrics, confident lyrics and they are my favorite band.
I quote from the Move Along song "When all you've got to keep is strong, move along, move along, like I know you do, and even when your hope is gone, move along, move along, just to make it through" those words helped me.
I no longer think of my ex as that dumb guy who broke my heart I think of him as a big spike in the road and I jumped over it with scratches that were mended. Move Along is an amazing song and it speaks the most to me, and the whole All-American Reject CD's have the greatest songs I think for break ups or any "tragic" moment in your life.