Wednesday, April 26, 2006

If Your Girl Only Knew

Name: Annie

Song that changed your life: Aaliyah - If Your Girl Only Knew (listen now) (lyrics)

The story behind it:


Oh my GOD, fuck you. What in the hell is wrong with you? Why do you look at me all night & say NOTHING. Why, when you literally run in to me by the restrooms, wouldn't you stop for even a second to to say something, anything more than "hi" as you rush past me? WORST can you make a point of coming over to I was dancing and make a huge deal of saying good bye to my friend & completely & utterly ignore my existence!!!? What the FUCK? Do I seriously turn invisible when she's around? I'm thinking not, considering how many times I saw your eyes glued to me on the dance floor. Are you that fucking scared of her actually grabbing a clue & kicking your sorry ass to the curb? 'Cause honestly? If she hasn't figured it out yet then she's not all that bright to begin with & she's never gonna catch on. And, since we're on the subject... wtf is her problem? All night with the sideways looks from her beady little eyes. You know what sugar? We're NOT friends! We've never BEEN friends! So get over the fact that your boyfriend crushed on some girl you don't know & she crushed right back. If you trust him (and I'm really sorry if you do) then GET OVER IT. If you don't, quit staring at me & point your icy glares in another direction. It is not now, nor has it ever been MY job to protect your relationship. And yes, I was ready to try to wipe the slate with you - if only because it's been getting awkward in certain situations, but you know what? I don't want to be your friend. Even if you turned out to be an amazing person (which from the way you look down on my friends & I can't really picture being the case) I STILL wouldn't want to be your friend, because really, why would I want to carry around that kind of guilt? I would, however, like you to see your sig-other grow a pair & maybe manage to say hi to me in front of you.