Monday, April 10, 2006

Submitting A Completely Anonymous Post

We want to hear about the music that has changed your life! You are invited to anonymously contribute to Changing Trax. Your story should include the name of the song and a description of how its words, message or feeling have had a meaningful impact on you and your life. Tell us about the memories the song evokes and the lessons you learn from listening to it. Our hope is that by sharing these stories and songs we will help and inspire others so please don't hold back.

Comment to this post by clicking here and no one will ever know who you were or where you came from.

To send an mp3 anonomously:

1. Upload it to (or any file hosting site).

2. Put as the "Recipient email address" email address.

Writing your email address is optional.

Notice: All MP3s provided on this site are meant to be hosted via official sites or with the artist/label's permission. On the extremely rare occasion when this isn't the case, the track will only be available for a very limited time. If you are the owner of a sound file and would like it removed, please email us directly. If you like what you hear, PLEASE buy the records and support the music.


Anonymous said...

I love this site! I just have so many songs that are so meaningful, I'm having a lot of trouble choosing just one. But I will be back with some stories to share and I can't wait to see what everyone else has to share. Thanks for creating a wicked cool site!

Anonymous said...

Move Along - The All-American Rejects

Me and my boyfriend [ex now] broke up after 1 year and a half and we had a bad break up. We haven't spoken in 8 months now. After the break up, music was the only thing that could keep me quiet and it became a shrink for me in a way. I listened to The All-American Rejects 24/7 because they have amazing break up lyrics, confident lyrics and they are my favorite band. I quote from the Move Along song "When all you've got to keep is strong, move along, move along, like I know you do, and even when your hope is gone, move along, move along, just to make it through" those words helped me. I no longer think of my ex as that dumb guy who broke my heart I think of him as a big spike in the road and I jumped over it with scratches that were mended. Move Along is an amazing song and it speaks the most to me, and the whole All-American Reject CD's have the greatest songs I think for break ups or any "tragic" moment in your life.